Rachel in "The Floorshow"
Combustion Collective (NYC, Off Off Broadway)

Judy in "White Christmas"
ZACH Theatre (Austin, TX)

Pippi in "The Great American Trailer Park Musical"
Show Palace Theatre (Hudson, Florida)

Nickie in "Sweet Charity"
Arizona Broadway Theatre (Phoenix, AZ)

Ilse in "Spring Awakening"
ZACH Theatre (Austin, TX)

Phantom in "The Rocky Horror Show"
Lyric Theatre of Oklahoma (Oklahoma City, OK)

Tammy in "Hairspray"
ZACH Theatre (Austin, TX)

Hermia in "A Little Midsummer Night - a Rock Opera" (workshop)
University of Texas at Austin (Austin, TX) photo by Arthur Marroquin.

The Floorshow, industry reading 2018